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Loco Por Lorca Show – October 2019 in Ireland

by admin on August 17th, 2019

    Irish premieres showing in October 2019

    This special one-hour show weaves poetry, music and images to celebrate Federico G. Lorca, Spain’s most celebrated poet and playright who was influenced by Ireland’s own playright, John M. Synge. There are five newly-translated Lorca poems into English and Irish together with a poem from Ireland’s finest poet, Michael Harnett who was one of the first Irish poets to translate Lorca into English.

    Featuring poets/translators, Theo Dorgan and Keith Payne; musicians and composers Carlos Beceiro, Cormac Breatnach, Cormac De Barra and Jaime Muñoz, with images/videos from Luis Poveda.

    2019 performances

      Irish Venues:

      16th October: Rathfarnham Castle – check website to order

      17th October: Seamus Heaney Home Centre, Co. Derry

      18th October: Mermaid Arts Centre Bray, Co. Wicklow –

      19th., October: Farmleigh House, Dublin (afternoon show: 3-4pm)

      and in Granada, Spain

      7th November: Centro Federico G. Lorca, Granada, Spain –

      Sponsored by the Arts Council of Ireland and The Arts Council of Northern Ireland, The OPW, The Mermaid and the SHHC, The Irish Embassy in Madrid and by Dublin UNESCO City of Literature, Dublin City Libraries.


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